Wednesday 11 May 2016

Connecting Essay 4

Online Image: 
The model appears to be looking vulnerable, as she is covering her body and holding herself close. The only protection she has between the bare skin and the viewer is a silk blanket. This is shown through the metallic reflection it is displaying among the viewer. The models hair is wet and frizzy, which appears to be untamed. This gives the feeling that the model has lost control. The female is looking directly into the camera, creating a relationship with the audience. The shadows around the eyes make her feel weak and innocent, and it is as though she is looking into the eyes of the audience asking for help. Her back is shown, to enhance the feeling of being bare among the audience, while her hair and her hands are covering her front half. The formal element of colour is weak in this image, although it is still present with the red of her lips drawing the viewers eyes towards them. The model has her posture slumped over, which makes the image feel informal, but also allows the audience to see the model in her natural form. The model also appears quite pale, and there is a gradient of light to dark on the background, allowing the audience to see her hair lit up amongst the light part and the silk to contrast with the dark background at the bottom. The rule of three is explored in this image as the two thirds from the left are much lighter, leaving a blank space on the right. 

Own Image: 
Lighting is relied on in this image as it is positioned directly onto the model, and we can see a vignette round the outside where the edges are darker. This draws attention to the model, as she is the focal point in the centre of the image. The models whole body is shown, and her posture is quite slumped. This exhibits the female being quite casual and careless. This enables the viewer to explore her in her entirety and not just a closeup portrait of her face. The model doesn't have any makeup on her face, and therefore explores the side of the beauty industry which is untouched and natural. The models body has not been morphed into making it appear slimmer, and therefore looks more natural and conforms to the everyday expectation of a young healthy female.The model still appears to be beautiful, without the heavy reliance of makeup or Photoshop to alter her appearance. The background appears quite simple, with a soft nude shade of white as appose to a bright clean white. This means that the only contrasting aspects of this image is the models jet black clothing, on her pale white skin hitting the soft grey background. The formal element of colour is explored in this image through the models pale lips, and also the colour of her hair which reflects nicely onto the other colours in the shot. They all compliment eachother.

These two images connect due to the rawness which is explored through the models. In both of the images, there is a lot of negative space which makes the models appear to be isolated. This connotes that they are alone, and it is purely about them. There facial expressions seem timid, and they're also postured in a way that looks slumped over and natural. There is very little use of makeup in these images, showing the female bodies to be natural yet in both images they look beautiful. These images are both different in the clothing that they wear, as the first image shows the model to be naked making her appear weaker and vulnerable. Yet in my own image, the model is wearing jet black clothing which contrasts her from the light background. 

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