Thursday 6 August 2015

Minimum Depth of Field - Work Diary

When researching minimum depth of field, I found that you had to look at three different aspects to carry it out. These are maximum aperture, which shows the speed of the lens. Maximum Zoom, which means if you want to take the picture from further away than of a close up, you just step back and finally you have to be close to the subject. This is to ensure that you have them in subject as appose to the background being most in focus. When taking this image, I had to take several at different distances to see which one I preferred. It was harder than I expected to get the perfect background, so to enhance it, I changed the curves and levels to brighten it up. I also changed the colour levels to create a contrast and made Josh wear a black hoody so that he stood out from the background. In the future, I wish to take more images like this on different backgrounds and in different locations. I feel like this image went particularly well, as it enabled me to see how minimum depth of field works and how I can alter the settings on my camera to see a change in the result of the image that came out. In the future, I want to see how it will work on images such as those in my image bank, where they feature plants and animals. 


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