Friday 5 February 2016

Shoot 6 - Work Diary


Previously, in my work I have studied the topic of beauty and applied its themes and conventions to models. I have taught myself how to airbrush like the industry expects, and applied different styles such as using glitter and gems. In this shoot, I didn't want to contribute to much with makeup - instead I wanted to enhance one of the facial features. I opted for the lips, purely for the fact that they're seen as sensual and beautiful - and much like the eyes, are highlighted strongly in the media industry. Therefore in this shoot, I kept the makeup on the face subtle, and applied a bright red lipstick to the face - as this wasn't enough at the time and it didn't stand out, I decided to take this one step further and apply a red glitter over the lips. This stands out to me as it is much stronger, and is a nice contrast between this and her soft skin tone. Should the model have been pale, I feel the contrast would have been to strong and I therefore would've used a nude colour. In terms of composition, I set the model up on a white background and turned the strength of the lights down, this enabled shadows to form and to further highlight the face.

The image above is my favourite from the shoot due to the colours it emits. I changed the colour on Photoshop so that it their is a subtle tinge on the left hand side of the image - which illuminates her hair and creates a small gradient. I like the composition on this image, as she is seen looking directly into the camera and creating a connection with the audience. This is a stance often used in the beauty industry and on editorial images. One of my least favourite images from the shoot is this one below. One of the reasons I don't like this image is due to the composition of the model and her positioning. Taking away from the fact that this image is blurry, I do not feel a connection with the audience. In this image, the lighting with highlighting her face - whereas in the image above it it also illuminates the background to take away shadows and highlight her hair. In the future, I want to continue experimenting with these images - but I will do so without overexposing the model like is in this image.

In my next shoot I wish too continue experimenting with colour gels - but create a theme. By doing so, I will be able to relate the makeup used with a darker background. In doing so, I aim to highlight the back of the shot with a strong colour, which will conform to the makeup used. I have yet to use a black background in my images, as it is not something commonly used in editorial work I have studied. However, I feel in doing so with a striking colour and a range of different lights I will be able to create some experimental images.

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