Thursday 12 November 2015

Shoot 1 - Colour Gels - Work Diary


When we went into the studio on Thursday, we explored creating portraits but with the use of colour. The way we did this was by using colour gels to explore a range of tones and colours and the effect it can have on different portrait images. In the studio, I was first to take images and a lot of my images are a journey through the different about the different lights in which I can use. At first, we used a soft box, two back lights and a light above us. The two back lights had honeycomb grids which diffused the lights and centred them more directly on the model. When I first took images, the pictures came out to be clear and crisp with soft light, however it was quite dull and just a usual portrait image. 

One of the differences between these shoots and others in which I have done in the previous unit is that I explored a range of coloured gels, and used a different style of taking images. In this shoot, we used different light diffusers and we worked in a new studio. This made my shoot more interesting, and gave me more inspiration to use different technical items in which I haven't used in previous units. It also widened my technical skills. When getting to this point, I trialled the different amounts of light I could use in my shoot and the impact it had. To show this in a visual way, I decided to create an animation which showed the impact different lights had on these images. 


This shoot allowed me to explore a range of technical ideas, however due to it being the first shoot of its kind in which I have done. I want to explore a range of different shoots and enhance my different lighting techniques. I also want to conform it more to my beauty topic, and I want to look at developing my style and creativity. For example, I want to use a range of different props such as glitter. My next shoot is going to feature different accessories which I will stick to the face to highlight different areas like I have studied in my photography research. 

1 comment:

  1. hi be careful with your terminologies as "The two back lights had honeycomb grids which diffused the lights and centred them more directly on the model. " sounds confusing defused light = spread out directional = not spread out...
