Friday 2 October 2015

High Key Lighting - Work Diary


Today in our photography lesson, we looked at High Key lighting and went to the studio to look at ways we can take images similar to those in our image bank. This wasn't a new technique that I hadn't looked at before, but the way in which we set the studio up and the lighting was new to me. Firstly, the lighting diagram above isn't completely accurate as we actually used two lights at the front in between the camera, they were both facing the subject which was positioned in the middle of the frame. Either side of them, we placed two white polystyrene walls which bounced the light back off of them and onto the model. This meant that there would be practically no shadows. One of the ways in which we got the background so bright was because behind the white walls, we placed two other lights at either side and used bright lights to make the background a solid white to decrease shadows. 

1 comment:

  1. George this partially describes the set-up but where are the lighting settings? you need to use the light settings to help describe the outcomes
