Thursday 1 October 2015

Definition of Beauty


a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.

Describe Beauty:

appealing, charming, exquisite, elegant, fascinating, enticing

In this image, we can see beauty is explored in a variety of ways. Firstly, there is a big contrast between the  colours used in the shot. There is a much darker background and harsh shadows on the females face. In contrast, the make up used is pale pinks and golds which conform to the pale face. The outer skirts of the frame are also darker, with soft shadows being used to highlight the cheekbones and a strong shadow on the neck. One of the main ways this image stands out to me is by the use of water and the way this is shown is through the bubbles of air we see floating in the picture. I think this is extremely effective as without the bubbles we cannot see that the female is in water, I also think it is a unique way of showing beauty, and highlighting the different ways this topic can go. 
I chose this image in my definition post as I feel like it stands out as different to what else I have looked at for inspiration. Where I used colour as a subtopic, this image shows me that photographs can be just as effective with the use of black and white. The use of black and white exaggerates shadows, and darkens several parts of the face. One of the main parts of the image which stands out to me is the eyes, as the photographer has used dark make up and harsh colours which make the eyes bold and draw the viewers attention to them. The hair also covers several parts of the models face, and makes the image feel messy and shows beauty in a different way especially from colour.

Alternatively, this image does use colour as a formal element to show beauty among the portrait shot. The framing of this image has been used to show just the lower half of the females face. The use of colours in this shot make it more feminine, as they have used pinks to highlight the eyes and the lips. The photographer has used a incredibly smooth face, which shows the powdered paint to stand out among the nude face. The photographer has also used pale lips, to make

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