Thursday 24 September 2015

Fashion Multiple Exposure - Image Bank

After creating an image bank purely on multiple exposure, I decided to look at multiple exposure in my chosen project of beauty. I couldn't find many images on beauty, so I started to look at beauty in the fashion industry and look at how photographers show beauty in the form of multiple exposures. The first image I found was one from the front cover of a magazine in which this technique is used in the two front cover designs. The second design stands out to me more as the photographer has cleverly used the eye of the portrait and have placed it onto the centre of the other females dress. I think this is a very clever image and would definitely stand out on the front cover of the magazine as it shows different dimensions. Instead of just seeing the portrait image, we can see the female in her full form with the use of a long shot. This enables the viewer to see the rest of the dress and her whole body. This is a unique way of using one frame, and placing two images inside it by blending the two together. They have ensure the opacity is perfect so that we can still see the facial features of the female. The other images in this bank use colour and are much darker, by also combining techniques of a motion blur. 

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